Get the most out of the popular messaging app for your Business.

Get the most out of the popular messaging app for your Business.

Top Key Features of WhatsApp API

Automate the Message Flow

A custom message can be  created using the  WhatsApp API.

Automate the Message Flow

Customised message flows will improve the customer service by reducing response time.

Automate the  Sales Process

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Chatbots will enable customers to provide customer assistance anytime.

Automate the  Sales Process

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With the use of WhatsApp bots, the entire selling process can be automated  and rendered human-free.

Automate Proactive Notifications

Through the WhatsApp API,  one can proactively  communicate with the  consumers by creating  proactive message templates.

Automate Proactive Notifications

After a consumer has opted in to receive these messages,  it will share updates on orders, appointments, service requests, and payments once verified.

IVR Call Rerouting Automation

By selecting one particular number using the Interactive Voice Response system, the consumer will be instantly routed to WhatsApp after opting in.

IVR Call Rerouting Automation

Chatbots will enable customers to provide customer assistance anytime.