Category: Branding

Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing? A Simple Guide

Digital marketing drives brand promotion, reaching target audiences online and boosting conversions. It’s a must for businesses in the modern digital landscape.

Benefits of Automating WhatsApp Messages and Chatbots

Benefits of Automating WhatsApp Messages and Chatbots

With savings of around USD 8 billion annually by 2022, chatbots are entirely transforming how businesses connect with their existing and prospective customers. The rapid surge in on-demand for instant messaging apps like WhatsApp has made its chatbots unavoidable as it promises complete hassle-free customer service.

Whatsapp Business Automation

The Complete Guide On Whatsapp Business Automation

With billions of global users, WhatsApp has become the most effortless business automation tool. Providing information about your business, what items are available, or even taking orders along with a personal scale, like sending reminders or tracking your habits or anything you want to achieve, has been made easier.


Affiliate Marketing: Benefits, types, methods and more

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest-growing methods of advertising. It’s completely automated, making it perfect for anyone who wants passive income and doesn’t have time to spend on selling their products. Affiliates earn 70 per cent or more of the commissions that most advertisers pay.


B2B Marketing Automation: A Quick Guide

Marketing automation has been part of B2B companies for years. Having one-to-one relationships with prospects, customers, and business partners can be time-consuming and exhausting. It’s simple – marketing automation software is handy for an organization where no more time is wasted on repetitive tasks.

Social CRM software

Best Social CRM Tools for Your Business

The popular marketing solution, Customer relationship management, is essential for every business. A CRM marketing software tool helps one to scale up their business, create a stronger customer relationship and find relevant conversations to assist their customers.


Instagram Stories: A Platform for Growing Business

In the era of ‘skip ad’ and ‘get premium for no ads’, Instagram Stories have been a boon to all businesses, especially new ventures.
With exciting designs, these IG stories have been glued to the viewers longer than intended, and you never know what is coming next!


Metaverse: How Will It Transform Influencer Marketing?

Metaverse can be defined as virtual reality on steroids, which is not limited to gaming, but would be a virtual world that you can use to work, attend a dance show or hang out with your friends all at your comfort.



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